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The Day We Landed
by Cosima

Dad and I were on a mission to find new lifeforms through the galaxy.

On a particularly boring day (or night, it's really hard to tell in deep space) we flew right into a meteor storm.

Luckily we can always rely on D.O.R.I.S. (our friend and supercomputer) to avoid crashing...

As D.O.R.I.S. flew us safely through the asteroids we suddenly spotted our destination - planet Proxima!

I couldn't believe it! We'd made it - at last!!


Disaster struck as Dad's coffee poured onto D.O.R.I.S. and she blew a fuse!

Dad had to captain the ship and land us safely on Proxima... Could he do it??

A meteor storm in space with Dad and Cosima's ship in the distance.

Our ship

A meteor storm in space with Dad and Cosima's ship in the foreground.
Cosima playing a board game inside her spaceship.


The spaceship interior. Cosima looks out at planet Proxima.


Dad's coffee spills onto D.O.R.I.S.

Dad's coffee :(

D.O.R.I.S. has an unhappy emoji face on her screen, coffee spills on her keyboard.


The spaceship hurtling through space.


Dad at the ship's control panel. The lights are red. Dad goes to press a button on the dashboard.
The spaceship glides through the sky on a parachute.

He did it!

We landed safely, but the ship was in a bad state...

And D.O.R.I.S. woke up again with a LOT of funny glitches!

Once we'd worked out we could breathe the air (phew!) Dad couldn't wait to make new discoveries on the planet. But he gets a bit distracted by the smaller things...

I wanted to find something BIG. And boy did I do just that!!

Dad peering at a bit of grass through some eyewear.
Cosima's face, amazed, open mouthed.
Big Lizard stood waving hello.
Cosima and Big Lizard press their palms together.


Cosima teaches Big Lizard how to play space-checkers.

Finally, someone to play space-checkers with!

I had a feeling Big Lizard and I were going to get along like a house on fire!

With a whole planet to explore, and other creatures to meet, life on Proxima was going to be COSMIC!


The end. (Until tomorrow!)

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